Lucas Olivet (born 1985) lives and works in Switzerland and Michigan.

He graduated from Vevey School of Photography in 2009.

His work has been exhibited widely in Europe and internationally

including at the Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich; the Rencontres d’Arles

The Visual Arts Center at Boise State University; CPM Marseille; Paris Photo

Vancouver; Jörg Brockmann, Geneva; Unseen Amsterdam

and Images Vevey.
 Through his lens, the Geneva-born shooter

addresses issues of memory, loss and longing by way of his own life

as well as through a wider historical
 and cultural frame. Olivet’s work is held

in numerous public and private collections including Durand-Ruel, Paris

Lambert Art Collection,
 Brussels; Géotec, Dijon; Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain

Geneva; The Museum of Fine Arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds; the Biel Photoforum

Enquête photographique valaisanne; Haas Arts Collections, Yale University

DNB Frankfurt and the Rencontres d’Arles.
 Previous and recent books include

Au Bon Vin, (2022) Images Vevey editions and Medicine Tree, (2024) Skinnerboox.

His work has been featured in publications including Der Greif; PhMuseum; art press

Unseen Mag; British Journal Of Photography; Libération; Musée Magazine

Le Quotidien de l’Art; safelight paper; Lens Culture; The Guardian; Blind

magazine, Le Journal des Arts, Purple and L’Oeil de la Photographie.

Involved in education, Olivet served as juror and has been invited

 visiting artist for workshops, mentorship programs or panel

discussions in collaboration with various partners, such as Pictet Bank

Cité Internationale des arts, Paris The Centre de la photographie Genève

CEPV, Vevey; FMAC, Geneva; Fundaziun Nairs - Künstlerhaus, Scuol; FOC, Bern

Arles Books
; CFP Arts, Geneva; The Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.

He is a recipient of the 2014 and 2016 Swiss Photo Award, The Contemporary

Art council
 of Geneva post-documentary Photo Grant in 2018 and a Swiss Design

Awards finalist in 2020.
 Olivet received the Photo Book grant from Pro Helvetia

in 2023.
 In 2017 his work was nominated by, Lucie Foundation, Los Angeles

for the Emerging Scholarship as well as the Dorothea Lange-
Paul Taylor prize.

Lucas got the honorable mention in 2019, bringing together image, creative writing

and sound in recognition of a new approach in Photography awarded by

The Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

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